Relationships should be built on trust. Everyone knows that losing trust is extremely easy, but returning it is not easy. Often parents are very worried about how to maintain relations with children built on trust. Under trust, you need to understand the calmness of the soul and confidence in people close to you. According to psychologists, gullibility in children appears with birth. Small children trust their mothers the most. Mom feeds and protects the baby, takes care of him. Over time, the child begins to trust dad and other close relatives. The development of such instinct as trust depends entirely on parents.
For a younger baby, parents sometimes do not have enough time. To justify the unwillingness to communicate, parents often go to deceive. Never promise the baby that you are not able to fulfill. If you often deceive the baby, he will soon lose confidence in you.
Physical punishment applied to the child will have bad consequences. If an adult scolds and threatens, then this quickly undermines his authority. Children who are often punished, resort to lies so that they are not punished. If you calmly talk to the child and explain to him what you can’t do, he will soon get rid of fears.
If the child no longer trusts the members of his family, then he becomes closed. Such children are very difficult in life. They are not able to cope with a difficult situation. Any relationship under trust is a guarantee that the child will develop harmoniously and will be happy in adulthood.
How to preserve and return the child’s trust? It largely depends on adults who should always be controlled, both their feelings and emotions. Do not constantly scream at your child, we must be able to recognize your mistakes. Do not be afraid to apologize to the child and admit that you made a mistake. Children feel very subtly when they are deceived. If you want to return the baby’s trust, try to change yourself. Do not give a bad example to children. If it will be unexpected for the baby, then he will be delighted with this. We must respect the opinion and feelings of your child. Do not insult, saying offensive words to him. Even the nickname that you gave the child as a joke can offend the baby. Do not scold your baby with strangers, as well as with his friends. Do not put over the adult planks to your child in study and sports. More often discuss household chores together.