If you are surprised by the fact that a girlfriend, performing only a few simple exercises, always remains in good shape, and you need to achieve such results, need a clock of exhausting training. If you cannot understand why her favorite exercises do not give an effect to your figure. If you are trying to lose weight with the help of these exercises, then you probably do not know the fact that any physical activity, any sport should be chosen depending on the type of figure. You can buy a crossbow and at the same time, having learned an exciting sport in the air, have a slender figure and beautiful posture, or you can spend tens of hours in the gym, without achieving the necessary results.
There are various classifications of types of figures.
The most complete is the division into 6 types: A-shaped, T-shaped, N-shaped, o-shaped, x-shaped and I-shaped. Accordingly, each type of figure requires its own training program.
Owners of the figure of A-type with narrow shoulders and a heavy bottom should be engaged in swimming or other sports, helping to enlarge the shoulders and maintain the shape of the lower body. You can also advise strength exercises on the upper body. It is also important to take into account that this type of woman has a slow metabolism, so they should adhere to strict diets.
The figure of the figure has a visually the same shoulder width and hips. At the same time, such women have small breasts. It is for exercises to maintain and enlargement of the chest should pay attention. In addition, such women are shown jumps, squats, inclinations that will help to cope with accumulating fat.
The i-shaped figure has a thin bone and is not inclined to be full, so it is enough for such women to buy an cycle tractor with a bicycle complex to always support themselves.
O-type needs a constant training program and diets. Here you should contact a specialist, since even a small amount of incorrectly selected food can lead to fullness.
T-grip should be advised to pay attention to maintaining in the form of the upper body, which is wider below. As for the bottom of the figure, here you can perform an exercise to increase forms.
X-type always has a beautiful figure, if you take care of the prevention of fat deposits in the hips and buttocks in time. Owners of such a figure also showed a general charging that will help maintain a camp in the form.
If you correctly select the exercises in accordance with the type of figure, then you will see in a month. That they began to like and others even more. So start by determining your type and take up the exercises faster.