Arriving for the first time in New Zealand, one can be extremely surprised at the lifestyle and social habits that are characteristic of the local population. In particular, this applies to women who are completely unable to dress. In one outfit, local residents combine all the colors of the rainbow, are absolutely indifferent to how and what is combined from clothes. The most striking example is a combination of an elegant dress with sneakers, and on a barefoot leg. Yes, the top is beautiful, and the bottom is convenient. The logic is simple and obvious. It is unlikely that emigration to New Zealand will be a prospect for fashionistas who will not withstand such a perverted and eclectic style. Is it the very nature of the residents of New Zealand, or their cultural traditions, but the fact remains.
In terms of development and tourism, New Zealand is quite favorable and welcoming country, but the fact of the lack of style and taste in local women is immediately striking. The distant southern country I call the country strangely dressing women, and this has its own truth.
In fact, eyewitnesses who were in the country will say that all these facts about the strange fashion are simply fiction. Often, New Zelands carry costumes in covers with them to work quickly in the dress code. It is very convenient, because the climate gave the country a hot summer all year round, and in a business suit you do not walk much along the street without sweating and not smeared into something on the sidewalk.
To work, many people go barefoot or drive on one -wheeled bicycles. Good shoes cost a lot of money, so you have to protect your only business outfit and shoes.
New Zealanders always drive a car, and they use public transport very rarely. Walking from a number of fantasy.