Beautiful teeth, snow -white and even, make a smile beautiful and more confident. But by nature, many people cannot boast of an elegant smile, and often completely embarrassed to smile in full, since they are embarrassed by ugly, in their opinion, the front teeth. And sometimes even even teeth look completely unaesthetic due to insufficient care or unbalanced nutrition.
The beauty of teeth to find or return today very quickly and successfully helps aesthetic restoration of teeth. In many dental clinics, you will be offered this procedure, whether it be the dental clinics of Tyumen, Moscow or even small cities. After all, today the restoration of teeth is quite a popular procedure, because it helps to return a happy smile, not constrained by complexes.
Modern dentists who are creating a beautiful smile, so to speak, should have many skills, because in the process of artistic restoration they have to face the darkening of enamel on their teeth, with sprinkled pieces of teeth, with their wrong form and deformation. They have to work painstakingly to restore the shape of the teeth, and preserve their perfect functionality, create natural white enamel in each particular case. So, preserving the original structure of the teeth, the dentist seems to help to be born a smile again.
To restore enamel, the doctor always has a large palette of shades that have to be applied in layers, then under a special lamp the result is fixed and the new enamel becomes solid and strong and perfectly translucent.
Artificial teeth are made today most often from light -polymeric materials that are widely used today in Russia and abroad. Composite material from them imitates the complete naturalness of restored teeth. Even the front teeth after high -quality restoration look so natural that your interlocutors have a clear idea of restoration in the head of your interlocutors.
In addition, aesthetic dental restoration is quite affordable today, which allows people even with a small income to contact a dentist about this procedure.