Nowadays, a beautiful and friendly smile is a real decoration of any face, be it female, whether it be male. It is easy to communicate with friendly and positively configured smiling people, probably, that’s why such people are quite easy to find new friends and are more successful in work than unfriendly and gloomy.
Some people do not smile just because they think that their smile is not attractive. Take any women’s magazine, and on its cover, and girls will also look at you on the internal pages, with a sweet smile on their face. Yes, they are always smiling because there is nothing to decorate a person as a sweet spiritual smile does it.
If you have even, beautiful snow -white teeth, but in your opinion a smile does not suit you, because it turns out what, then the curve, then the thing is in facial expressions. It is necessary to do work to strengthen the muscles of the face, in particular the lips. Let’s look at a couple of exercises that can be done anywhere during the day: “proboscis” – making a trunk from your lips like an elephant, actively pull out and pull your lips.
“I brush my teeth” – smiling, open a little mouth. Now take care of your teeth with the tip of the tongue: first, follow the lower teeth, while making movements from side to side, do not forget to pay attention to both the inside of the teeth and the external. Do the same and upper teeth. Do the exercise slowly and diligently.
So that you have a charming smile, we must not forget about the correct brushing of your teeth and in general that your teeth require constant care.
How to care for your teeth correctly?
As you know, the plaque settling during the day on our teeth is an ideal element for the propagation of bacteria that cause caries. That is why control over the formation of this plaque is one of the main conditions for maintaining excellent health of the oral cavity. It is not for nothing that mother from early childhood teaches the child to brush her teeth, showing how to correctly and how often to do it. Indeed, thanks to the correct and regular brushing of the teeth, you can prevent serious problems of the oral cavity – gingivitis, caries, periodontitis, or at least slow down their development.
And you thought about how to brush your teeth correctly? Dentists unanimously claim that most of their patients, I don’t even know that teeth should be brushed in a certain, correct way. Of course, our site will tell you how to do this correctly: draw an imaginary line between the incisors, while all your teeth must be divided into 4 segments. Let’s start cleaning from the upper jaw from left to right. Holding the brush horizontally, first we brush the upper teeth. The main thing is that all the sweeping movements are in one direction. Then, we repeat the same with other segments. In total, at least 10 brush movements should be given to each segment. And the total amount of time spent on brushing teeth should be at least 2 minutes.
Do not neglect the cleaning of the tongue, because bacteria multiply on it too. For its cleaning, various special silicone or rubber brushes have been invented. Clean the tongue from root to tip.
Brush your teeth must be at least 2 times a day, in the morning after eating and immediately before bedtime. After each meal, it is necessary to carry out minimal tooth processing procedures: use chewing elastic bands, remove food residues with a toothpick, rinse your mouth with special rinsers for the mouth, or just ordinary water.
Lovely girls, don’t forget that a smile is your dignity. With proper care of the oral cavity and your teeth, with regular work on the facial facial expressions you will always be in irresistibly smile. Take care of your teeth regularly, then you will never have to resort to whitening tooths and other mechanical procedures to restore your beautiful teeth, which are an integral part of a charming smile.