If there is no toxicosis
Women believe that pregnancy without toxicosis is impossible. And those ladies who have already given birth, claim that morning and daytime nausea are the very first and mandatory signs of pregnancy. If there is no nausea, then there are reasons for concern and fears. Many women are characterized even with a delay in the menstrual cycle not to do a pregnancy test, believing that without toxicosis an “interesting” position is unrealistic.
But there are quite a lot of cases when a pregnant woman does not experience nausea during pregnancy. This fact is normal, even rare.
To understand for sure whether toxicosis is mandatory, we will consider to begin with its main causes.
The main reason for nausea is the adaptation of a woman’s body to changes, to a new state. We all know well that during pregnancy the female body undergoes the most difficult changes that leave a trace on all internal organs of a pregnant woman. Consequently, the process of “perestroika” can lead to surprises such as toxicosis, disorders, dizziness, etc.
The second cause of nausea is considered an insufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins in the female body. Consequently, the attending physician in the first trimester prescribes a whole complex of vitamins, trace elements that help to overcome toxicosis.
The third reason is psychological. The fact is that a pregnant woman is often just tuned, she sets a certain “program” in which pregnancy without toxicosis is a deviation from the norm. You can solve this problem by visiting a specialist psychologist who, after conducting the right psychotherapy, will be able to save a woman from such an obsessive thought.
Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself – pregnancy without toxicosis and nausea must delight, but in no case be alarmed. After all, the whole point is that in the absence of signs of nausea, a woman clearly does not need vitamins and microelements, her fruit develops correctly, without any deviations, and the health of the pregnant woman is simply at a height. It is also worth knowing that the lack of toxicosis indicates the impossibility of miscarriage on this basis, which unfortunately today is not uncommon. And the most basic and probably pleasant fact is that without toxicosis, a woman simply enjoys an “interesting” position, lives a full life and rejoices at her.
Therefore, cute and expensive ladies who carry pregnancy without toxicosis – rejoice and do not worry that morning nausea does not visit you! Moreover, experts unanimously assure that in this case your baby develops well, he has enough: trace elements, vitamins, oxygen. And your baby is just happy and will no longer wait for the birth!
And we wish you only mild pregnancy and the same childbirth!