Because he doesn’t know why. Simple, but today the most relevant answer to the question of excited mothers and dads. And they, with the imprint of the USSR in consciousness, do not understand such an attitude to study. Their vague arguments, about some debts and duties to the homeland, society, personal conscience, etc. The assertion that it is possible only with a decent education does not sound convincingly. The gift to earn money often does not depend on the mind. Ambition will be enough. Television shows us every day clearly. In addition, children under 14 years of age are not always able to correlate the present and future, and seriously think about their actions and their consequences. What can parents do? It is intelligibly explain, and at a convenient case, and show how knowledge makes our life more interesting, brighter and more fully. How the possession of this knowledge leads to an elementary understanding of the essence of things. Your child will interest English online free video.
The child still does not want to study when he is simply not interested. If the student has abilities, then a simple solution would be to choose a school with the program that is relevant to these abilities. There will be interest – there will be performance.
Problems in relations with classmates. Constant tension does not allow to plunge into the educational process, because social relations for schoolchildren, especially the age of middle classes, are so important! What is the reason? Maybe you should contact a specialist? In any case, you need family support.
Children from incomplete and dysfunctional families who grow like wormwood – grass, sometimes do not have an idea of the opportunity to be interested in the world and choose. Quite capable, but pushed into the back of life, so they remain there. Their salvation in a compassionate teacher, capable of lighting fire in the eyes and love of learning.
Teachers themselves can also instill dislike, not all of them be born from God. But even more dangerous the hatred that the parents themselves instill. The attitude of parents, their attitude to knowledge, to people, to moral and moral principles form the feelings of the child. Do not forget that our children are our reflection in the mirrors of life.