Intimate intimacy for me turned into horror. The husband constantly requires the fulfillment of “marital duty”. Already from these words – “marital duty”, it throws me into cold sweat, I start shaking when he says: “I am ready to fulfill my marital duty”. And so almost every day. I tried to explain, you can create some romantic atmosphere? And in response I hear: “What romance? Romance – this is still met, flowers, then yes. And now there is a marital duty – let’s do it “. Who generally came up with “married duty”.
And it does not even help that I go to bed earlier or pretend to be sleeping. Anyway, if he wants, he does his job. Then he complains that you are like a log, you don’t even caress.
It is especially disgusting if he comes after the holiday or gatherings at work. On such days, he definitely needs a “discharge”. He climbs with kisses, it is so vomiting from him ..
It got to the point that he subtracted in some magazine or on the site, that you can have sex during critical days. Now starts to demand from me. He does not understand anything. For me it is so ashamed, I can’t on such days. And in general I can’t ..
Shouting, I’ll find another for myself. Yes, let him look. Tired already.
Let her find out what it is when they demand from you what you do not want, which has already been overwhelmed simply. I don’t think someone will stand longer.