Very many are mistaken when they believe that shoes do not play any role in a woman’s life. In fact, the woman’s attitude towards herself, no matter how strange it is, depends on the shoes in which she walks. All this can be observed on the streets of any city, because more than once I had to notice that the girl on the stiletire looks more confident and sexier than the one who has to go on an evenly prominent heel. But we will not argue that in some cases the shoes directly set the style to the woman, and she adapts perfectly under him, as a result of which she feels as convenient as possible in it and the height of the heel in this case does not play any role. But according to psychologists, shoes can tell a lot about his mistress, and this statement concerns not only the height of the heel. But even how much the shoes are stopped, how much they are well -groomed, all this is very interconnected.
But the specialist doctors, recently, have been very concerned about the health of women, they claim that you can’t constantly follow their style, and walk either only in high-heeled shoes, or vice versa. It is best to alternate some with others, which will avoid so many diseases associated with both legs and spine, because the negative impact of high heels on health has long been known. Remember: your style is good, but it is better to be able to find a compromise.