Oddly enough, these two concepts are much closer to each other than we think. Psychologists claim that the type of shoe that a person loves to wear does not determine, but affects his character. So, looking at the girl, we can approximately say about some features of her disposition. We can deny or agree with this theory, but such a judgment takes place to be. After reading the following, you can see something from your character. Here are a few examples.
The hairpin is more than 7-8 centimeters-such a girl likes to collect the enthusiastic views of fans, wants to stand out from the crowd and always be in sight, but only, as a rule, such girls underestimate themselves and look for praise and attention. Sometimes owners of such a high heel are simply too self -confident, they think that the best should be higher than everyone else and in the literal and figurative sense.
Sports type shoes say that representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are not ready for compromises, but are sociable and direct, they can communicate in any company.
Love shoes on the platform, so you love freedom, say everything straight, do not go around the bush, you like to set your conditions and you are a romantic.
Adore adventures, attract others and are often carried away by something new? Most likely, you prefer to wear shoes without asses or on a small hairpin.