Children are the same hard workers as adults. Every day they get a lot of new information, to process and assimilate which is not easy. They work at school, getting good grades, go to various circles, delighting parents. And at home they make lessons ..
As adults need vacation to restore strength, so children need rest. Vacations – time for fun and communicating with friends. And how interesting this time will pass, it depends on the parents. Only parents can arrange a real holiday for their child. Every day.
Each child has his own favorite cartoons and films. Collect the video collection. Arrange at home a film screening. Collect goodies on the table, invite your child’s friends to visit. He will be happy. At the end of viewing or the next day, so that there is time to prepare, you can arrange a thematic party, which everyone should come to the image of a beloved character. It will turn out very fun not only for children, but also their parents. Do not forget about the video camera on which you can write a clip or report from the scene, take an interview from a spider-man or an inch. And how interesting it will be to look at it in ten years in ten years!
So that every day it does not look like the previous one, describe the plan of events by coordinating them with your child. For example: Monday – a trip to the cinema. Tuesday – Puppet Theater. Wednesday – water park. Thursday – skating rink or roller skating. Friday – attractions. On Saturday, you can go on a visit, and on Sunday you should devote to watching your favorite movie, as described above.
Much, of course, depends on the time of the year. In the fall, it is desirable to limit the time of the time of the transfer on the street. It’s not enough pleasant (in the case of rainy weather). Winter – expanse for fun. Already just going out into the yard, you can find a lot of fun classes: to blind a snow woman, play snowballs. What can we say about skating on a sled from a steep slide. It’s good when a soft toy is a plush hate in your hands. Falling off the sled will not hurt at all. But the main thing is not to get sick. Otherwise, there is a risk of vacation to turn into sitting a house with a thermometer under his arm.
The long -awaited summer holidays are preparing a lot of pleasant surprises. Whole three months of the holiday every day and no school! A trip to the warm sea, to a children’s camp, even a visit to a grandmother to the village can become very funny and fascinating. Any change of space will be a real adventure for the child. Seas, rivers, pools, bright sun, fruits, bicycle, friends, knockers, a bone with baked potatoes, horror stories for the night, an open -air hammock, next to a dream, a favorite big bear Teddy. What could be better than summer! Only the next summer.
When organizing a child to relax, never forget about his safety. Here is the main eye, but the eye. And the child himself needs to explain well what is a danger and where you should never poke his curious nose. Remember that in children the instinct of self -preservation is not as acutely developed as in adults. It is not for nothing that it is said: “Children, we are responsible for you!”.