Nowadays, we devote less and less time to the most important, our own personal life. Almost all of our free time is selected from work and household chores, there is practically no left for love and romance. But believe me, most of the so -called good reasons why the sensory side of life is deposited in the far corner are far -fetched. Judge for yourself, because in the old days, when the recognition of love to the beloved girl in verses was commonplace, young people had enough other worries. At that time it was even more complicated than now, because then there were almost 90% of the amenities that surround the person today, but, despite this, the time for affairs was more than enough. The thing is that modern young people have almost forgotten how to communicate with girls, even such simple things as recognition of love to a girl in verses seem to be very difficult, and even worse, some consider such things insignificant. It is this, a biased attitude to romance, that is the main reason for the general loneliness in modern society, and this is not only about the male part of the population, the girls also forgotten a lot.
Modern ladies do not consider it necessary to be sophisticated in terms of love, this concept has degenerated, transformed into something incomprehensible, called glamor. Widespread emancipation and the struggle for independence, turned most of the girls into masculine persons with a bloated ego. What are the recognition of love to your beloved guy in verses, what we are about, for many ladies even hello to say it is already shameful. Dear girls, this is unacceptable, think about it, it does not seem to you that it smacks of fascism, or at least chauvinism.
Yes, equality and self -esteem are excellent things, but do not lose yourself and forget about your own essence. The girl should be feminine, a little naive and affectionate, only in this case, the man who is next to her will do everything possible to meet her requirements. Then, when he feels nearby a cold, soulless creature, for whom to make confessions in love to a guy in verses is more difficult than leaving the house not painted, he will sooner or later go in search of a more adequate half.
Be original, be softer, and then happiness will not be long in coming.