You can strengthen immunity using a vitamin complex that can be prepared by yourself. Very useful for dessert are dates, dried apricots, figs.
To strengthen immunity and health as a whole, it is necessary to eat oatmeal, buckwheat, cereals. Nutrients should be well absorbed by the digestive system. Fresh juices are very useful.
Birch juice in the spring will be a good help for the body, as it suppresses many allergens and oncological processes. In the spring, the first shoots of nettles are also useful. Nettle contains vitamin C. The salad is made of vegetables with the addition of sunflower oil and dill. Such a salad will help strengthen your immunity and is very useful.
An excellent tool for strengthening female immunity is the boron uterus.
The causes of low immunity are overeating, excessive neurosis by trifles. After all, it is known that any stress leads to the destruction of vitamin balance by 50 %. Therefore, to obtain vitamins and strengthening the immunity, you need to collect a vitamin collection. It is necessary to include the roots of licorice and cinquefoil, branches and leaves of raspberries, the fruits of rosehips, hawthorn, mountain ash, black ash, the leaves and fruits of currants and strawberries, shoots and berries of blueberries, young nettle leaves, an observer, oats. It is necessary to grind all the components and brew with boiling water (3-4 tablespoons per 0.5 l of boiling water).
You need to insist 5-6 hours, and then drink in 5-6 receptions during the day. This vitamin collection compensates for a vitamin imbalance associated with stress. Useful vitamin fees from herbs, berries and roots.
Such fees are good help in the spring to strengthen immunity.