If you want your child to know the German language well, so that in the future such a tempting perspective as studying in Austria and work in a foreign company open to him, then make sure that he knows a foreign language at the most “tender” age.
It must be understood that it is possible to teach German in the same way as the child to teach English – the most important thing is that classes be presented in a playful way. Children 4-10 years old have no psychological complexes, like adults, so they are not afraid to solve problems. It must also be understood that the German language for children should be studied gradually, measuredly and unobtrusively, otherwise, the risk is too great that the child will lose the hunt to engage in German with pleasure.
At the age of 4-5 years, most children already have a good speech and it becomes possible to introducely cognitive communication. Children during this period are incredibly curious, which is why during this period you can easily learn German for children. Of course, during this period you should not tell the child about complex grammatical constructions, just with the help of funny songs you can learn the alphabet and score, replenish the vocabulary of the crumbs.
Can be memorized in several ways. For example, you can show the name of which you want to learn, and repeat it several times, or you can hang signs with the name on objects, if the baby can already read, write down the words in a dictionary and learn them. The most important thing is to understand that it is impossible to show excessive exactingness in relation to the child.