All parents dream that their child grows up successful and can realize their abilities, but few people think that the key to a prosperous future is not only a deep intellectual development and education of children, but also the ability to control their emotions.
Today, in the age of technological progress, the human factor acquires a large role, and not only how a person can control the machines, but how much the employee has a motivation for the qualitative performance of his duties. As the research of psychologists show, the predetermining factor here is precisely the receipt of emotional satisfaction from work. Therefore, if from the first days of the baby’s life, parents will pay attention to the development of his emotional intelligence, then in the future the child will be able to successfully satisfy his ambitions in his career.
The very first emotion of the baby is crying.
You can often hear how parents stop such emotional manifestations, scaring the child with punishment, shouts, ignoring. However, such a model of behavior forms a stereotype in the brain of crumbs: “Do not pay attention to emotions”.
In the future, this leads to the fact that children become closed, do not know how to show their feelings in relation to themselves and their loved ones. The task of an adult in the first years of becoming the psyche of the baby is to help the child understand his emotional state and learn to express him in the most acceptable ways in society. Sexual education of a child should not be ignored.
It is necessary to convey to the crumb the power of the verbal expression of their feelings.
For example, if the baby is used to seeking his scream and squeal, tell him that in such a situation you can just come up and say: “I was so offensive that I wanted to scream and squeal”.
Let the child find out the words-emotions: he was upset, offended, delighted, upset, and t. D.
From the first days of life, teach your baby to rejoice at the outside world and find pleasure in any lesson. Do not subordinate his days to clear rules and do not show that you are waiting for only positive actions from him.
For example, after the first day spent in the garden, do not ask the teacher about the features of the behavior of your child.
It is better to concentrate on his own sensations and emotions, find out what was interesting for the baby, how he talked with friends, about which he found out and t. D. For your part, also tell your child about what you did during the day, what made you delighted or upset. This will be a vivid personal example that will teach the baby to pay attention to every little thing in life.
In addition to the descriptive emotional side, the child needs to be taught to switch his attention from bad to good and look for positive in any situation.
If the baby does not like to remove the toys behind him, then offer him help and tell him that it is very good to live in a clean house, that by placing things in place, you can free the field for the next game, that this order will be very happy about the dad, etc. D. Over time, the child will learn to enjoy the boring deeds himself and delight his loved ones :-).
If you follow such advice every day, then soon the baby will easily understand his emotional state and select the most acceptable ways of expression in society.