Do what you like, and the money will come later. This saying is actually quite wise. It is impossible to achieve big results in a case that you don’t really like. A person cannot do something with complete dedication for days on end, if he does not like any activity. He cannot constantly develop and increase the level of professionalism in a matter that is unpleasant for him.
But the truth is, one who does not love his occupation and which brings only money for existence will not be able to conquer the top of his own dream. Is it true to continue to suffer and experience severe discomfort and dissatisfaction from life? A person is usually unhappy when he feels that he can achieve much more, but something constantly restrains him to remain in the position in which he is.
A person who is not trying to realize the talents laid down in it sooner or later will realize that it is deeply unhappy.
Think about what you want to do, what will be for you? Maybe it’s some kind of childish dream or hobby? Decide and act.