Only the uninitiated Chinese cuisine can seem very laborious and complex. Of course, there are dishes in it requiring high skill and mass of time. But along with them, many recipes amaze with their simplicity.
So today we will try to cook such a dish as a fruit surprise
The name itself raises the mood: “S-yu-r-pr-З”-I say in the literal and blur in the smile of the Cheshire cat. Then I dress my favorite apron in peas and a “happy” blue scarf in order to hide my hair.))
I turn on the Rolling Stones sounds: “Anybody Seen My Ba” ….BARDEN … And I briefly re -read what to cook for cooking.)) It is necessary to prepare the following products:
100 g of dried apricots, 100 g of dried peaches, 100 g of pears or apples, 100 g of dried plums, 100 g of dates, 100 g of sugar, 4 table. tablespoons of corn starch, 1 cup of warm water, 500 ml of milk, beaten cream.
After reading, I begin to cook in this way:
1 step.) Dried fruits soaked a day ago in water, I take out from a bowl. I remove bones from dates and drain. It is prepared much more fun and more pleasant for good music or something)).
2 step.) I pour fruits with water, add sugar sand to taste and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes. I filter the liquid and put in it for thickening starch.
3 step). I warm up milk, add sugar sand to it and put 2 tables. tablespoons starch. I give me a little to boil over low heat.
4 Step.) I lay out a layer of dried fruits to the bottom of the deep salad bowl, then a layer of whipped cream, a layer of milk with starch, alternating layers until the salad bowl is filled. I put it in the refrigerator. While there is time, I change the musical disk and begin to “howl” under Aerosmith – Crazy)) …Also bastard)).
5 Step.) When the fruit mixture has cooled, I turn it on a glass dish and give it with liquid from the fruit from cooking fruits.
I note that I cooked this dish for about 60 minutes, based on 6 people. And the time behind his favorite pastime – cooking, but under his favorite music flew unnoticed)). Enjoy your appetite!