It is very difficult to find a child who would not like sweets! Even more difficult to find a baby who would know the measure in the use of sweets.
Having eaten a little ice cream or chocolate, the child will ask for more… And, most often, compassionate adults (especially grandparents) do not refuse an extra portion of delicacy.
At the same time, adults argue something like this: “In childhood, desires are especially strong, and the taste perceptions are sharp, it is a pity to deprive the child of such joy!”
Is it really so harmful to eating sweet? Let’s figure it out.
From the very birth, the baby get acquainted with this taste: Mamino milk tastes. Subconsciously, a child is laid by a sweet association with love, comfort, warmth. And if in the future parents do not control the amount of sugar entering the child’s body, then psychological dependence on sweet can develop.
A child who uses sweets, chocolate will reveal a pattern over time: after a sweet snack, you become more vigorous and more fun! And the next time, with a “bad” mood, the baby will intuitively go to a vase with sweets.
What is sugar? Sweet enemy or white friend?
The answer is simple – it all depends on the quantity.
It is clear that manufacturers of confectionery, in pursuit of profit, apply a lot of tricks so that we lose a sense of proportion. We are irrevocably seduced by beautiful packaging, bright wrappers, images of our beloved heroes on confectionery products. And we, like Magpies, catch these baits. Hence the violation of metabolic processes, caries, diabetes mellitus.
Let’s remember that our ancestors ate natural foods, and in the form in which the products grow. Sugar does not apply to natural products, although it is extracted from beets, sugarcane reed.
Sugar is a concentrate of simple carbohydrates that quickly enter the bloodstream. But an excessive stream of glucose is not familiar to us. Plants, even in very sweet berries, contain both simple and complex sugars, which in the gastrointestinal tract are gradually splitting and entering the bloodstream.
For the normal functioning of the body, and, especially, for a growing child, a constant composition of blood is needed. If the child has eaten a few sweets, sugar quickly enters the bloodstream. Next, the alarm of the pancreas is instantly sent, because the composition of the blood has changed dramatically. The pancreas produces insulin, which extracts sugar from the blood. Part of the extracted sugar is sent to the body as an energy source, and the rest is postponed for the future.
In this case, the body clearly worked out the sugar attack. It’s good when this is an isolated case, and if it is repeated again and again… Then insulin begins to be produced in excess, the reserves are full, and excessive accumulations turn into subcutaneous fat! And then?
And then the depletion of the pancreas occurs, and therefore the prerequisites for a violation of carbohydrate metabolism are created. Since in children the function of the gland is not yet debugged and vulnerable.
What to do?
Try for children under three years old not to pamper sweets. Treat with fragrant berries, fruits and vegetables, the baby will receive no less pleasure from them. So, bananas, grapes, figs are literally filled with sugar. And they also enrich the children’s body with vitamins.
Sugar in the form of additives to various dishes, the baby receives enough: you add it to the porridge, cottage cheese, compotes, jelly.
Children over three years old can be treated with confectionery, but in moderation, one good candy, or a bar of the pastille. MARMELAD is also useful (apple, apricot). It contains pectin, which improves digestion.
Safir and pastille contains full -fledged proteins. Choose those that do not include dyes, preservatives, food additives. From sweets, you should choose creamy and dairy. There is no particular harm in chocolate sweets, if you use them not in kilograms.
How much sugar can be given to the baby?
According to scientific recommendations for children aged:
from year to one and a half years no more than 4 grams,
one and a half to six years old – 60-70 grams
from seven to ten – 70-80 grams
from eleven to thirteen 85 grams
from fourteen to seventeen – 100 grams of sugar per day.
Home -made sweat is preferable to factory. For their decoration and aroma, natural berries and fruits are used. Select time, attract the child and prepare your own sweet and useful masterpiece together!