Poor, poor female legs at the end of the hard day. Family, economy, children and husband, work, purchases and cleaning – all day we are hiring bees with a lot of worries and in the evening we just dream of collapse in bed and forget ourselves with a sweet dream.
Our legs will lead on their feet all day and only occasionally allow you to calm down. That’s why before going to bed, in the evening you must definitely pamper them with soothing baths.
One of the best and most inexpensive methods of “pampering” is salt baths for the legs. Baths are taken warm for 7-10 minutes, no more. It is necessary to add 2-4 tablespoons of simple table salt to warm water, wait until it dissolves in the water and lower the legs into it.
Salt bath baths is a great way to not only calm the legs after a difficult day. Salt in the bath will help in cases of sweating of the legs, and also relieve corns and corns. In addition, regularly taking baths, the skin of your legs and feet will be soft and velvety. And in the event that you spent the whole day in uncomfortable shoes and you have corns and redness, then baths with salt – this is a real salvation. It is they who will bring your legs to feelings.
After 10 minutes pass and you need to pull out your legs, do not rush to rinse them or wipe them dry. There is no need to wash off salt from the feet. Wait a few minutes, let your legs cool from warm water, and then wipe.
After such a bath, it would be nice to anoint your feet with night cream for the legs.