In city apartments, the basis of the floor is often a construction stove. Its surface, as a rule, is richly strewn with various irregularities, such as fossa, influxes, sticking reinforcing and much more. As a result, the floor level drop can be from 50-100 mm or more, which requires mandatory alignment of the surface of the future sex.
The preparation of the floor for leveling begins with surface cleaning. From it it is necessary to remove the outgoing pieces of concrete, oil spots, paint and dust. Next, all cracks and any holes in the floor that the builders could be, but are absolutely not useful to the owners are closed. By the way, now they often began to install roller curtains, they will perfectly decorate any apartment.
The next step in preparatory work is the marking of the level of future sex. Water level is one of the most convenient tools in this matter. It is two flasks with a scale connected by a flexible tube. The principle of operation of the tool is the principle of liquid distribution in communicating vessels. 2 people are required to work with the level. One participant sets the initial level in one corner of the room, marking it on the wall. Then his assistant, moving around the room, notes the required level around the perimeter of the room.
The minimum acceptable coating thickness is 3 cm. The coating with a smaller thickness will not be durable and will soon crack.
Before filling the screed, the surface of the floor is primed. This is done to increase adhesion, and also creates a waterproofing layer at its base. This is a fairly important stage of preparatory work, since neglect is able to entail additional financial and labor costs.
The implementation of these works should be carried out using special materials, such as a waterproofing primer (for a bathroom or kitchen) and a primer for concrete surfaces.