Being healthy is not easy. Especially in our time of poor -quality products, frantic rhythm and constant stress. However, if you make a little effort and choose the right means that strengthen the immunity, we can significantly improve the state of our health. But what the means we need for this and tell you.
But for starters, we will figure out what human immunity is as the main indicator of the health of our body. From a scientific point of view, immunity is the ability of the immune system to get rid of genetically alien objects. This is a complex system of protective mechanisms that supports our body, helps it remain healthy and fight diseases and ailments. We can distinguish natural immunity, which includes congenital immunity (given to us by nature), passive immunity (transmitted from mother to child) and acquired active immunity (produced after the disease). The second type is an artificial immunity that appears after vaccinations, vaccines and introduced serums.
And it’s not a secret to anyone that immunity can be strong and reliable, which greatly facilitates the life of its owner. But more often we still meet weakened immunity, which cannot actively resist viruses and bacteria, and therefore we feel bad, often sick, lose our vitality, become nervous, tired and sad.
The body’s immunity is a good and picky thing. She requires attention to herself, but also repaids the hundredfold. So let’s try to figure out what to do or accept this in order to please our health and the immune system.
To begin with, we give several elementary, at first glance, rules that can be called “prevention of immunity”:
Prevention of immunity
Full nutrition with the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Filling the body with vitamins and minerals (in summer – vegetables and fruits, in winter, as an option – vitamins from a pharmacy).
We saturate the body with liquid: we drink water inside, shower, bath, bath – moisturize from the outside.
Minor, but regular physical activity and sports.
Stay in the fresh air, walks.
Rejection of bad habits.
Healthy sleep.
Full rest and relaxation.
Reduction in the number of stress or a change in attitude towards them.
Smile, positive, self -love.
If something of this seems complex or impossible, then think about the fact that a decrease in immunity can pull complications, the relief of which may be even more difficult!
Now let’s make a reservation of some of the participation improving immunity. We will not write about expensive drugs, of which there are plenty of in pharmacies and on the Internet. We will describe simple and affordable immunity products that are quite affordable and effective.
So, our top 5 products to raise immunity to an adult
Honey for immunity
So, honey, as you know, is a rather popular and valuable product for raising our immunity. But only natural honey made by the very buzzing insects in strip. In addition to a pleasant sweet taste, it has a number of undeniable advantages in the struggle for our health. This is a set of the most important vitamins A, C, E, K and Group B, and Folic acid, and many minerals. And combining it with other useful products, such as lemon, ginger, garlic, aloe, dried fruits or nuts, you yourself will be surprised at your well -being.
What do we have in the end? At least reliable protection against viral colds in the cold season. As well as a general improvement in the state of the body and mood, an increase in physical and mental activity (you yourself will be like a bee;)), the establishment of the digestive tract and a noticeable surge of energy and positive. Try it!
Ginger for immunity
A unique tandem for raising immunity is the Trinity “Ginger Lemon-Moj”. Let’s talk about ginger. Just like that, of course, do not eat it, the taste is rather bitter. But in tinctures, powders, decoctions, mixtures with the above products it is incomparable. This is not only vitamins C and group B, but also a whole list of essential amino acids and retinol, which helps to renew cells.
What do we have in the end? In addition to a significant increase in immunity, ginger promotes the treatment of stomach ulcers, joint diseases, improve appetite and digestion, memory and activity of brain cells, purification and renewal of blood. And to combat rheumatism, back pain and headaches, try the compress from ginger.
Rosehip for immunity
Here a bush with red berries and beautiful pink flowers grow for itself, and we pass by … And in the bush, or rather in berries, a whole wealth is stored! And it is called vitamin C. And the amount of vitaminchik is many times higher than its popular containers as lemon and currants. And not only vitamin C in the rosehip is there, but also iron, potassium, magnesium and organic acids. So it may not be worth passing by, but?
What do we have in the end? Excellent protection against colds, resistance to the body for viruses and negative environmental factors, improvement of working capacity, blood circulation, liver and pancreas, strengthening blood vessels, improving appetite and excellent general condition of the body.
Greak nuts for immunity
Previously, we devoted a whole article to useful and delicious nuts, including walnuts. Now let’s take a closer look at their influence on our immunity and health status. In addition to the fact that this nut is very nutritious and saturated with protein (it is quite possible to replace a healthy piece of chopping), it also contains a huge amount of vitamin C, as well as K, E, PP, group B, many useful trace elements (calcium, iodine, iron, iron zinc, magnesium), essential oil and amino acids.
What do we have in the end? Magic walnut compounds with honey gives us impenetrable immunity, a charge of strength, energy and excellent mood. Metabolic processes, the work of the heart, blood vessels, brain, and digestion organs improve. But, as with any other nuts, the main thing here.
A handful of walnuts per day is absolutely enough!
Echinacea tincture for immunity
There is in any pharmacy, it costs very cheap. If you really want, you can assemble and cook yourself. To do this, we harvest 100-200 grams of fresh (or 50 grams of dry) flowers, leaves and stems of the plant, pour them with 1 liter of vodka and insist in the dark 2-3 weeks. Then we express all this well and take 3 times a day before meals at 20-30 drops. The use of pharmacy tincture is similar. We drink three courses 10 days with a break of 3-5 days. Best in the fall, providing cold and periods of reduction of vitamin reserves.
What do we have in the end? The performance, stability and viruses, other adverse environmental factors, are increased, inflammatory processes are reduced, and the general condition of the body improves. Tincture increases cellular immunity, contributes to the fight against fungi and bacteria, having an excellent antibacterial effect.
Here you have the necessary precautions and means that improve immunity. Do not spare time for yourself, good mood and healthy food and always stay healthy!