Plan twins
The birth of twins or twins is always associated with the romantic dreams of future parents. For some reason, many dads and mothers crave twins. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the birth of two people, as they say, for one sitting – is akin to a miracle. The kids born on one day will grow together, at the same time, celebrating their birthday or together by the hand will go to the first time to the first grade ..
These and many other parental dreams give rise to the decision to plan twins.
Here it is also necessary to make the concept of “twins” and “twins” is completely not synonymous. Gemini planning is impossible, since they appear from one egg, fertilized by one spermatozoa. Here you will have to go only on mother-nature. But plans for conception of twins are more justified from the point of view of medicine. Twins develop from two eggs and after birth they look no more than just a brother and sister.
Twins can be both same -sex and heterosexual.
How can you increase the chances of the birth of the desired twins?
1. In the treatment of hormonal drugs, the chance of ripening two eggs increases. However, this is advisable only with the accompanying treatment with hormonal drugs. To specially take them for the opportunity to conceive twins, for no significant reasons, it is unsafe. It is also very dangerous to take such drugs arbitrarily without a doctor’s prescription. In the worst case, such measures can lead to ovarian hypermostation and they are incorrectly subsequently, which can even provoke infertility!
2. Natural means can stimulate the ovarian work. For example, Vitex and his decoctions. Or an enormous oil, plants growing in North America can have a very tangible effect.
3. By order of a doctor, take polyvitamin complexes, including group B vitamins. It is interesting that an overdose of this vitamin is impossible due to the competent work of our body, which easily removes its excess.
4. With IVF (extracurporeal fertilization), cases of fertility of twins are frequent.