Power of the child in 1 month Power of the child in 1 month At the age of month, the baby tries to raise his head while lying down.View Post
Facial peeling – history, methods, complications Did you know that in ancient civilizations from ancient Egypt to Greece and Rome there were methods for facial peeling?View Post
Why is it useful to watch comedy films? The Internet becomes an important part of everyday life.View Post
Pepper patch from cellulite – Women’s Internet portal ” Charming legs ” The most common problem of many women is cellulite, which does not spare neither young slender girls, nor ladies aged with magnificent forms.View Post
A double boiler is healthy and tasty Modern people increasingly began to think about a healthy lifestyle.View Post
Expectations kills you? Expectations very often are crucial in the personal or professional front of each person.View Post
Shades of hair color Test for color How to adjust the shade? Color change is possible with a different shade or washing-process, which removes the previous color.View Post