One of the favorite sweet pies of our grandmothers is the apricot pie. But among ugly – the first place should be given to the pie with cabbage. It is very nutritious, it is quickly prepared, and most importantly, it has amazing taste qualities!
In order to bake a pie with cabbage, take:
– milk – 100 g
– flour – 400 g
– cabbage – 200 g
– sugar – 25 g
– yeast – 25 g
– margarine – 100 g
– salt – 10 g
– salt – 15 g
– 20 g of onions
– vegetable oil – 100 g
– pepper and greens to taste
Cooking process:
1. Prepare dough from the third part of flour and all milk
2. Leave dough for three hours for fermentation. It should rise, become more voluminous and noticeably settled with a slight touch
3. In a separate vessel, heat the margarine, beat the eggs, put sugar and salt, mix.
4. Heat the mixture on the stove somewhere to 28C, pour into dough and interfere, until the dough becomes quite liquid
5. Add the remaining flour to the dough, mix. When the dough begins to lag good at hand, hide it in a warm place for an hour and a half
6. Finely chop white cabbage, fry. Add finely chopped and fried onions, pepper and parsley to stewed cabbage, mix
7. Distribute part of the dough on a baking sheet, put the filling on it and cover with the remaining dough. Lubricate with an egg and put for baking in the oven
This cake can be slightly changed and cooked with cabbage and egg, a pie with cabbage on kefir, a pie with cabbage and meat, etc. D. Each time, the dish will purchase new taste shades.