Did you happen to you on the street or at work, when communicating with other men, to experience an overwhelming look? You, as if bending under themselves, make you subconsciously afraid. Most likely these are not friends, but acquaintances or work colleagues. As a result of such contact, a feeling of “castration” comes – self -esteem falls.
So that this happens rarely or does not happen at all, remember the following small rule: “Look at other men as if you want to hit them”.
No one should beat anyone! Only the feeling itself is important. Try to just imagine how you are ready to “smile” this person. You look closely in the eyes, then in the nose, then in the neck – the place of application of your attack. You are like a predator who sharpen your teeth, look at your victim. The main thing is to feel it!
Directly from tomorrow, when you go outside, apply this exercise. You can even on people unfamiliar (for example, on the way to work – exchange a look). Then follow your emotional state. Well?