Before you start repairing something, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. And they include the organization of the workplace – the removal of unnecessary items and furniture from it, the preparation of the surface, the choice of materials and tools, etc. p.
So, we carry all the furniture into the next room, which is impossible to take, moves into a heap into the center of the room and cover with carefully plastic wrap. It is necessary that we have access to all walls and ceiling, so that during the performance of work we do not have to spend time moving furniture.
If you do not plan to change the flooring, then you should protect it from damage (parquet, laminate), covering with a thick film with a overlap at least 10 cm, it is advisable to glue it with tape. The protective film should be glued to skirting boards, since most dirt during wall processing accumulates there.
Before cycling of parquet or replacing flooring, it is necessary to dismantle skirting boards, otherwise this is not required.
All decorative frames from sockets and switches must be removed, and the insides should be sealed with a film and painting tape, not forgetting to de -energize before that.
Most likely, for work, you will need an installation table, which should be convenient for work even in small tight rooms.