The benefits of breastfeeding are undeniable. The kid receives with mother’s milk everything that is necessary for his tiny body.
There are also cases in life when a woman’s desire to breastfeed. Some nursing mothers disastrically lack milk. The question rushes sharply what means to increase lactation need to be used?
In this case, you should not panic. The problem of lack of milk affects mainly for the first time giving birth to women. With subsequent births, this problem usually disappears.
The main condition for the full production of milk is the calmness of the woman herself, the lack of stress in her life. A full sleep is of great importance. Give yourself time to sleep. It doesn’t work at night – sleep in the afternoon when the child is sleeping. To increase lactation, apply the baby to the chest more often. The child with his mouth massages the mammary gland, stimulating milk production.
Folk remedies to increase lactation
In case of lack of breast milk, folk healers recommend a number of means. Along with full nutrition, it is useful to take freshly squeezed carrot juice mixed with a small amount of honey. It is useful to take such a mixture on a tablespoon three times a day.
“Moloconest” and cumin seeds have “. In order to prepare a drink from caraway seeds, you need to mix a tablespoon of caraway seeds with a glass of low -fat sour cream and boil for three minutes over low heat. After insisting the mixture for an hour, it is ready to use. Take it in a tablespoon 4 to 5 times a day.
Well stimulate breast milk production and hazel nuts (hazelnuts). Every day you need to eat 15 – 20 nuts. For nursing mothers with a lack of milk, tea with milk and sugar is very useful. Drink more tea and milk will increase.
A pharmacy chamomile with the addition of sugar or honey is also useful. The decoction is taken a third of a glass 5 times a day.
Experienced healers recommend, also, a decoction of fennel seeds and a chicory decoction decoction. The instructions for the preparation of the decoction are always on the pharmacy packaging.
In the spring it is useful to drink fresh dandelion juice, sweetening it with honey.
Taking a shower, it is useful to do a light massage of the mammary glands (the movement of the hands from the center of the gland to the periphery).
Applying folk remedies to increase lactation, you must configure yourself that you will have enough milk to feed your baby