The cause of the split hair is a lack of moisture in them, a lack of nutrition of the roots, as well as improper care. Hair is seized and when you rarely cut the ends. If you have a long length, then their tips do not get food and they split. To wash the hair, you need to use yolks of eggs, rye bread, as well as fermented milk products. After washing, the hair needs to rinse herbs with infusions and apply the balm to restore.
Kefir mask. Kefir should be applied to clean hair, not forgetting about the tips. Such a mask should be done at night, covering the head with a scarf. In the morning you need to wash off the mask and dry the hair without using a hairdryer. Such a mask will be used once a week.
Mask with yeast and kefir. Mix kefir with a small amount of yeast. A mask for dry hair should consist of oily kefir. We put the kefir on the hair and after thirty minutes wash off the kefir with shampoo.
Air rhizome decoction, burdock. Two tablespoons of calamus root powder must be mixed with the same amount of crushed burdock root. Add one and a half liters of water and cook the mixture for twenty minutes. After insisting for six hours, the decoction must be filtered, and the herbal broth is rubbed into the scalp.
Spinach juice, lemon, cabbage. Spinach, lemon and cabbage juice are taken in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the scalp.
A mixture of castor, burdock oil and birch juice. First you need to trim the split ends, and then rub the burdock and castor oil mixed with birch or lemon juice.
Compress of lemon juice and olive oil. If you are the owner of dry and brittle hair, then once a month you need to make a compress using olive oil. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the heated olive oil. Righten the mixture into the scalp, we put a hat made of plastic on top, and then a terry towel. Two hours later, my hair with shampoo.
Compress of oil and birch or lemon juice.
50 grams of vegetable oil should be mixed with a small amount of lemon juice or birch juice. The mixture heated in a water bath must be rubbed into the hair roots. After two hours, the hair must be washed with shampoo. Washed hair rinsed with water, in which lemon juice or vinegar are added.
Castor oil mask, egg yolk. If your hair breaks and breaks, then use castor oil and well -beaten yolk for the mask. The resulting mask is applied to the hair, then they are covered with a towel. After three hours, hair is washed with neutral soap.