It turns out that the future dad is responsible for the half of the child. By nature, the women’s egg contains only one sexual chromosome. At the same time, a male sperm can carry either x or y-chromosome. When fertilizing the egg with a sperm with a x chromosome, a girl is born, and if there is a boy in the spermatozoa of the Y chromosome. Based on this, it is clear that only the sperm of the father is responsible for the gender of the future baby. Therefore, men should not only scold their spouse about the appearance of children of the same sex, but also.
y-chromosome in the answer to the gender of the child
Yuri Zharkov-a sexologist-investigated several couples and revealed the following pattern. The birth of a boy, according to the results of experiments, is more likely in married couples with small family experience, which is characterized by a rather active sex life. The appearance of a girl, on the contrary, is possible for spouses who live together for a long time and make love much less than at an early stage of family relations. From the studies of scientists, it follows that in the process of abstinence in the male body, antibodies are produced to Y chromosomes that reduce their activity. This is the reason for the conception of girls with sluggish sex, and boys – with a stormy. This method of planning the sex of the child is quite effective and is guaranteed to give the result. Only to achieve it, abstinence should occur at least a month and a half.
There is another way of influence on the floor of the future baby. For him, you need to know when a woman has ovulation or an egg output into a fallopian tube. It is known that the eggs of the egg for 36 hours retain the ability to fertilize. At the same time, the y-chromosomes from the body of a man are much easier, and, accordingly, more mobile than female x chromosomes. They will reach the egg faster. True, their vitality is much less. Based on these data, to conceive a boy, you need to make love one day before or within 12 hours after ovulation. During this period, the egg is capable of fertilization and is in the pipe. Provided that sexual intercourse occurred before ovulation in 2-3 days, a girl will be born.
It would seem that everything is simple, but calculating the moment of ovulation is quite difficult. If the menstrual cycle is regular, then ovulation is normal two weeks before the start of menstruation. If the cycle is irregular, then the probability of guessing the day of ovulation is zero. In this case, you can use special stripes tests. They are sold in pharmacies, and on the basis of their testimony, it is quite reliable to calculate the necessary day. After determining the moment of the beginning of menstruation, we act as follows. For the birth of a son, it is necessary to count 11-12 days from the received date and take on the process of conception. If sexual intercourse occurs 13-14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle, then a girl will be born in the family. This method of planning the floor of the unborn child was developed by Polish scientists. The probability of a successful outcome, according to experts from Poland, is 87%.